Controversial Fertility Treatment is Being put to the Test

The first known human trial of three-person in vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure currently banned in the United States, is about to be underway in Greece.  The goal of the trial is to evaluate the procedure’s safety and efficacy.   It may also eventually give us a better understanding regarding the procedure’s long term side effects.

Three-person IVF involves using donor …

Questions to Ask if Your IVF Cycle Fails

Although IVF has a high chance of success, not all couples conceive with their first IVF cycle.  Patients who don’t conceive with IVF often ask, “What happened?  Why weren’t we successful?”  These can be difficult questions to answer, but after an unsuccessful cycle, it’s important for both the patients and the physician to review how the cycle went.  For patients, …

New strategy for achieving pregnancies in older women-maybe

We all know that the eggs of older women do not work as well as those of younger women. It’s mostly because there are fewer eggs to choose from, more are chromosomally abnormal and many do not have the energy to progress to a blastocyst capable of implantation. Here’s a new theory, that it’s the the poor functioning of the …

Can embryo co-culture overcome embryo quality issues?

 This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

One of the most difficult issues

Rejuvenating Eggs From Older Women

Can this be true? It may be true, at least in mice.

A study being conducted in mice indicate that administering coenzyme Q10 to one-year old mice-the equivalent to women in their 40s-for three to four months significantly increased the number of ovulated eggs as well as the number of successful pregnancies. The treated mice also had an average of …