Dr. Wisot quoted in Life & Style on ERA to time IVF transfers

RPMG’s Dr. Arthur Wisot is quoted in the May 4th edition of Life & Style magazine’s cover story on Khloe Kardashian’s trying to conceive again with Lamar Odom.


The fertility problem that is alleged is a problem with implantation. Dr. Wisot cited the new Endometrial Receptivity Assay which helps pinpoint an individual’s window of implantation which can vary from person …

Advances in fertility medicine: Fast and Furious

According to an on-line article on the globeandmail.com: Advances in fertility medicine are fast-paced. New ones are hardly out of the lab before they’re offered as “treatments” – one fertility doctor’s “experimental” is another’s “state-of-the-art.”

With so many points in the process for babymaking to go wrong, and would-be parents willing to fork over tens of thousands of dollars …