Female Reproductive Tract May Reject Weak Sperm

A new study, published in the journal Science Advances, found that the female reproductive tract may trap slower moving sperm, allowing only the fastest moving sperm to reach the egg.

Researchers from Cornell University used several models and computer stimulations to try to better understand how sperm travel through the cervix, into the uterus, and then into the fallopian tubes …

How Smoking and Drinking Affect Male Fertility

There are many lifestyle factors that can affect male fertility, including smoking and drinking.  Identifying some of these modifiable risk factors can be important for couples, since male infertility plays a role for over one-third of couples who are struggling to conceive.

A review of how smoking and drinking can affect male fertility was recently presented online at UrologyTimes.com by …

Is Male Infertility Being Ignored?

Now this is shocking: A survey of more than 2,000 couples seen at U.S. fertility clinics showed that three-fourths of the men had not undergone a fertility workup, even though male infertility contributes to half of all infertility cases. In the subgroup of 1,537 couples without a workup of the male partner, 17% had a history of assisted reproduction procedures, …

When Should ICSI be Used?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a very specialized technique performed by embryologists that involves injecting a single sperm into each egg retrieved from an IVF cycle.  It was first introduced in the early 1990s to help fertilize eggs for couples with male factor infertility.  Since the 1990s, the use of ICSI with IVF cycles has substantially increased.  In fact, ICSI …

Male Fertility Testing At Home

A new smartphone device may allow men to test their fertility at home.  Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School are developing a smartphone accessory and app that can determine sperm count and motility with reported accuracy of up to 98%.

The test comes in the form of a disposable kit that uses hardware and software technology.  …

Focusing on male fertility

An article on the impact on male fertility on slate.com draws attention to the increasing male factor in infertile couples.

Male fertility is a new epidemic, at least if you’ve seen the news coverage. This burgeoning crisis seems to be related to the effects of age, inspiring headlines such as: “Men Also Suffer Age-Related Infertility,” “Too Old to Be a …

Is the recipient’s age a factor in egg donor cycle success?

This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, formerly a partner and Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

It is …

Fathers matter: Epigenetics and Lyfestyle

There is an excellent article in the September 9th edition of The New York Times that every potential father should read on the effect they have on their offspring.

"Biology is making it clearer by the day that a man’s health and well-being have a measurable impact on his future children’s health and happiness. This is not because a strong, resilient …