Controversial Fertility Treatment is Being put to the Test

The first known human trial of three-person in vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure currently banned in the United States, is about to be underway in Greece.  The goal of the trial is to evaluate the procedure’s safety and efficacy.   It may also eventually give us a better understanding regarding the procedure’s long term side effects.

Three-person IVF involves using donor …

IVF Three Parent Embryos? Not!

When doctors develop new radical procedures and especially they market them to the public, there are certain steps they must take or run afoul of the specialty and government regulators or both.

The so-called, “Three Parent Embryos” created in an IVF cycle is the latest example of a hyped procedure gone wrong.

The Food and Drug Administration is moving to …

Creating “designer” babies from a threesome?

According to an article in the Washington Post a government advisory committee began debating a new technique that combines DNA from three people to create embryos free of certain inherited diseases.

The two-day meeting of the Food and Drug Administration panel is focused on a procedure that scientists think could help women who carry DNA mutations for conditions such as …