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Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:45 pm
by janetp951
I am 29 years old have been trying to conceive for 3 yrs and we haven't had any luck went to my health provider and was dx with pcos and I don't get my mentrual every month they refer me to a differnt provider , I what to know what are my chances of getting pregnant and thry dx me a year ago since I had a previous partner and never got pregnant either


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:43 am
by Dr. Wisot

At age 29 your chances should be very good if the PCOS is the only problem as there are good ways to treat it today. Usually a combination of metformin and clomiphene work for most women with PCOS.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group
Redondo Beach, California