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Mild uterine cramping after transfer

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:03 am
by Ally
I did a day 3 embryo transfer yesterday with 2 8-cell, grade A embryos. Procedure went perfectly, no pain and my RE commented that the catheter went in very smoothly. I'm following my RE's instructions and am on 48 hours bed. However, I've been having mild uterine cramping ever since the procedure; more so with movement in bed or getting up to use the restroom. I know this is normal further along after transfer indicating implantation, but what could be causing it now directly after? Could my body be rejecting the embryo? I've called my clinic, but it's the weekend and no one is available. I am very worried. Thanks in advance for your insight.

Re: Mild uterine cramping after transfer

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:10 pm
by Dr. Wisot
It's impossible to say what is causing the cramping from what you say. Implantation is a "silent" event; there are no feelings associated with it. There is sometimes some spotting. But just after a 3 day transfer is too early for that anyway.

There must be a way to reach your doctor for urgent calls and I would suggest you do that because only he/she knows if there might be some issue to deal with.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group
Redondo Beach, California