How to make it through infertility treatment without destroying your relationship

There is a great article in Prevention that every couple going through infertility treatment should read to help protect their relationship.

From the moment a couple decides to have a baby together, their perspective on their sex life changes. For most couples, there is a new tenderness and intimacy between them that comes with the shared intention to start a new life together.

However, for the 10 to 15% of American couples struggling with infertility, sex takes on a whole new meaning altogether that’s too often laced with shame, blame, and anxiety. Even when the infertility journey results in a healthy baby, the nature of their sex life seems inextricably altered to feel awkward and forced. This often results in lower libidos or avoidance of sex altogether.

However, this doesn’t have to be the case. With some conscious shifts in perspective and behavior, there is no reason an infertile couple can’t come out the other side of their journey with a closer, richer, and more intimate sexual connection than they had before their struggles began.

Beyond reading this article, if your infertility struggle is affecting your relationship there are a number of psychologists in most communities who have special knowledge about and experience in treating couples with fertility problems. I strongly recommend finding and consulting one of these experts. Do not allow this problem to ruin your life. Dealing with this aspect can become a metaphor for dealing with other diffcult issues that may face you in life.