U.S. Fertility Rates Declining

According to new a report release by the National Center for Health Statistics, fertility rates in the United States are continuing to decline and we have now reached a point where the number of new babies born is below what’s needed for the population to replace itself.

For the population to be able to replace itself, the “total fertility rate” …

Egg Freezing Myths

More women than ever before are choosing to freeze eggs to preserve their future fertility, but many women still have fears about undergoing the procedure.  I hope that by debunking some of the myths about the egg freezing process that some of these fears will be laid to rest.

As a reproductive endocrinologist, here are some of the more common …

How Much Do Young Adults Really Know About Fertility?

Although most people know that fertility declines with age, a new study shows that many young adults don’t have a clear understanding of what age it actually becomes harder to get pregnant.

Researchers in Australia surveyed 1,215 university students with a 34-item online questionnaire regarding their expectations for future parenthood and their fertility knowledge.  Of the students surveyed, only 46 …

Why Women’s Fertility Declines with Age

A new study out of Montreal Hospital Research Center is providing a new explanation for why women’s fertility declines with age.  The study compared the eggs of 6-12 week old mice to those of 60 week old mice.  They found that the microtubules in older eggs behave abnormally.  Microtubules help with chromosome segregation during cell division.  In older eggs, the …

Fertility Myths – What You Should Know

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant now or want to conceive in the future, there are certain things every person should know about their fertility.

As a fertility specialist, I read lots of fertility articles in different publications and on social media.  I pay attention to what’s out there in the media because I want to know what my patients …

OB/GYN describes her struggle with infertility at age 42

Here’s an interesting perspective on one person’s struggle with infertility: an OB/GYN.

In a blog post in the Washington Post maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr. Shannon M. Clark laments that she did not start sooner and describes her experience at the 42 to try to have a baby.

“As an obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in the care of high-risk women, I see …

Halle Berry pregnant at 47. Whaaa?

I am posting this article on Halle Berry getting pregnant at 47 because it illustrates the dangers of postponing pregnancy rather than the implied conclusion that women can put off childbearing and expect to have a successful pregnancy in their late 40’s.

Halle Berry’s Pregnancy: The Real Deal on Fertility in Your 40s

April 9, 2013 | By Anne Krueger…

New Strategies to Boost IVF Success Rates

Here is a relevant article published in the Wall Street Journal regarding an additional option to possibly improve IVF outcomes.  It is a treatment option that RPMG has already provided.


Especially with the recent advances in freezing techniques, this may be a very good option for couples who have not had previous successes.  Talk to your primary RPMG physician …

New study claims ovarian stem cells can create new eggs

Researchers say they have extracted stem cells from human ovaries and made them generate new egg cells. The advance, as reported in the New York Times, if confirmed, might provide a new source of eggs for treating infertility, though scientists say it is far too early to tell if the work holds such promise.

Women are born with a complement of egg …