Designer Babies

Recently, Time magazine, wrote a series of articles about infertility, fertility treatments, and the future of babies as medical advancements allow couples more opportunities for conception.  One of these articles discussed the creation of “designer babies” from in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

The medical community and the public are concerned that with advances in PGD technology, we …

Genetic Testing of Embryos May Cause Ethical Dilemma

There is an emerging ethical morass in the field of reproductive medicine: what to do when patients seeking to get pregnant select embryos with DNA that could lead to a disease or disability. Should clinicians’ desire to help their patients have children override concerns about possibly doing harm to those children? And what about cases in which patients end up …

Fertility Business Booming. Why?

According to an article in the Washington Post, the multibillion-dollar fertility industry is booming, and experimenting with business models that are changing the American family in new and unpredictable ways. Would-be parents seeking donor eggs and sperm can pick and choose from long checklists of physical and intellectual characteristics. Clinics now offer volume discounts, package deals and 100 percent guarantees …

Computers May Help Choose the Best Embryos for IVF

Researchers in Brazil are developing a new software tool that may help physicians and embryologists choose the best embryos for transfer after an IVF cycle.  The computer technology is supposed to recognize 24 characteristics of embryos, some of which are not detectable to embryologists using even the most sophisticated microscopes.  These characteristics include the size of the embryo, the texture …

Your Infertility and IVF Questions Answered Here…Free

Yes, that’s correct. You can ask a question about infertility or IVF and you will get a prompt answer. And it’s free. You do not have to be a patient of reproductive Partners or even a patient yet; you may just be starting your infertility journey and have not yet seen a doctor. This is a service that Reproductive Partners …

All Women Should be Offered Genetic Screening Prior to Pregnancy

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is recommending that all women, regardless of ethnic background, be offered genetic carrier screening prior to pregnancy.  In a new Committee Opinion, ACOG states “Carrier screening and counseling ideally should be performed before pregnancy because this enables couples to learn about their reproductive risk and consider the most complete range of reproductive …

BRCA Positive Patients Do Well Using IVF with PGD

Several studies presented at the recent ASRM annual meeting reviewed data on ART outcomes for BRCA positive patients and the news is positive. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) allows for the transfer of only those embryos free of the mutation and success rates are comparable to the success rate achieved by patients without the mutation.

In a study in Colorado examining …

Pre-pregnancy genetic screening

Genetic testing for inherited genetic conditions is an important component of preconception planning, to assist in assessing the risk of genetic disease in a child, as well as anticipating the management of a woman’s reproductive care. Traditional methods of carrier screening have focused on pan ethnic screening for conditions including cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy, whereas other conditions, including …

RPMG Now Offering Early Embryo Viability Assessment Test (EEVA)

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Early Embryo Viability Assessment Test (Eeva) to our patients undergoing an IVF cycle. RPMG was part of the study that led to FDA approval of the procedure.

Eeva is an FDA approved test using time-lapsed video to analyze early embryo development and aid in the selection of the best embryo for …