Frozen donor eggs now available through RPMG

Until recently all egg donation was done in a fresh IVF cycle which required both the donor and recipient to have their cycles suppressed over a lengthy period of time so that they will be in sync. 


Now, thanks to technology that allows eggs to be frozen, frozen eggs are available which can be used in a much quicker and easier and less expensive process for the recipient couple. Reproductive Partners is fortunate to have partnered with Donor Egg Bank USA which has frozen eggs from prescreened donors available immediately. The lack of a need to suppress the recipient’s cycle and coordinate with the donor’s cycle and schedule makes the process much quicker, often completing the embryo transfer within three weeks of the recipient’s last menstrual period. The efficiency of being able to use one donor’s frozen eggs for several potential recipients makes the process much less expensive.


An egg donation cycle using frozen eggs is much easier and shorter. For more details, please visit our new Egg Donation pages or Donor Egg Bank USA.