This is an inspiring story about a successful pregnancy in a 48 year old created by frozen eggs obtained at Donor Egg Bank USA and fertilized and transferred at RPMG:
I wanted to reach out to other women who have made this decision, wherever you are in the journey. Please be encouraged by our story: We tried for over three years to get pregnant with no success on our own. We had undergone three rounds of IUI (because why not?), we were dealing with very poor sperm statistics all the way around, and AMA (Advanced Maternal Age). Not very promising. We were heartbroken after a while. We stopped even seeing our fertility doctor….I couldn’t take it anymore. He estimated that, all things considered, we had less than a 5% chance of conceiving naturally. Then, we were referred to DEB by our fertility doctor after the use of frozen eggs were approved by the FDA. We talked it over together and with close family and we knew it was an option that would suit us. We were patient; we searched the database for about 9 months until we found our perfect match. The lot of eggs was 7, which sounded like a pretty good number. After fertilization, we only had four that survived. Three days later, we had only two that were suitable for implantation. We agreed to let the doctors implant both and we are now the parents of beautiful twin 22 month old girls! Both embryos took and flourished. I had zero complications with my pregnancy…no bed rest, no health issues with me or the babies. I carried them to full term and even though I wasn’t even starting to dilate, they took them at 37 weeks because they were both over 6 pounds each. I tell my story for may reasons, but mostly for the fact that I gave birth to our healthy twins at 48 years old and my husband was 41. If we can do it, you can do it. Have faith and know that it is definitely possible. We still just shake our heads some days knowing that we are blessed beyond belief and we thank our doctors at RPMG and the wonderful people at DEB who held our hand throughout the very emotional process.
It was posted anonymously but I would like to thank the person who posted it to inspire others to have hope even at more advanced ages.