The Success Prime IVF Program

We are proud to announce the launch of the Success Prime IVF Program, an IVF money back guarantee for best-case patients. The elements of the Success Prime IVF Program are very simple. If we determine that you are an eligible, or prime candidate, and if you do not get pregnant with embryos from either a fresh or frozen embryo IVF cycle, you will receive a refund of the Global Fee of $11,650 standard IVF or $13,350 for IVF with egg donation.

At Reproductive Partners we want to encourage patients to do everything possible to enhance the chance of a successful outcome. We have designed the Success Prime IVF Program to recognize those who take vital steps in preparing for pregnancy.

Among other characteristics, prime candidates using their own eggs must be under the age of 34, have a BMI under 30 and both partners must be non-smokers for at least six months. If the patient is using an egg donor, the egg donor must meet all the requirements of a prime candidate.

The IVF success rate data at RPMG shows couples and donors who meet these prime candidate characteristics often succeed in their first cycle.

For complete program details, please see the Success Prime IVF Program page.