Female Reproductive Tract May Reject Weak Sperm

A new study, published in the journal Science Advances, found that the female reproductive tract may trap slower moving sperm, allowing only the fastest moving sperm to reach the egg.

Researchers from Cornell University used several models and computer stimulations to try to better understand how sperm travel through the cervix, into the uterus, and then into the fallopian tubes …

New At-Home Male Fertility Test

A new startup company, Dadi, is now offering the first mail-in fertility test for men.  This new fertility test just came onto the market in the continental United States last week. Dadi, a fertility startup company of eight employees, raised approximately 2 million dollars to develop the test and get it onto the market.

The test is essentially a semen …

How Smoking and Drinking Affect Male Fertility

There are many lifestyle factors that can affect male fertility, including smoking and drinking.  Identifying some of these modifiable risk factors can be important for couples, since male infertility plays a role for over one-third of couples who are struggling to conceive.

A review of how smoking and drinking can affect male fertility was recently presented online at UrologyTimes.com by …

Prediabetes May Affect Male Fertility

A new study is providing more evidence that a man’s general health can affect his sperm quality.   The study, published in BJU International, found that infertile men with prediabetes have altered hormone levels and increased sperm DNA fragmentation compared to infertile men without prediabetes.

Researchers from the University Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy, examined 744 men with …

Advances in Male Fertility Testing

A new test developed by Androvia LifeSciences, called a Cap-Score, may help predict whether or not a man’s sperm is able to fertilize an egg.  The Cap-Score was developed by the Travis lab at the Baker Institute for Animal Health and Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, who recently published their Cap-Score data in the journal Molecular Reproduction and Development

Low Sperm Count May Be a Marker of General Health

A new study presented at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th annual meeting in Chicago, IL, found that low sperm count may not only be a problem for fertility, but is also a marker for a man’s general health.

The study looked at 5,177 male partners of infertile couples in Italy and found that low sperm counts were associated with …

Antihistamines May Affect Male Fertility

An Argentinian review of multiple animal studies is suggesting that antihistamines, found in common allergy medications, may affect male fertility.  The study, published in the journal Reproduction, found that antihistamine use could decrease sperm motility and alter sperm morphology.

The study found several papers that reported impaired testicular function in animal studies after antihistamine exposure.  These papers found that …

Ibuprofen May Affect Male Fertility

A new study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that ibuprofen alters the endocrine system and has a negative impact on the testicles of young men.

The study looked at 31 men between the ages of 18 and 35.  Fourteen of these men were given 600 milligrams of ibuprofen twice a day.  The remaining …

Does IUI technique matter?

When sperm wash techniques were first developed with a medium called Ham’s F10 artifical insemination was revolutionized. Prior to that time all that was available was cup insemination (ICI) or injection into the cervical mucus which itself was often the problem. Over the years culture media has vastly improved but the technique of actually performing the procedure was relatively standard …

Air Pollution May Cause Poor Sperm Quality

A new study published online in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, is suggesting that air pollution may be linked to poorer sperm quality.  The study showed that exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution is associated with a lower level of sperm normal morphology.

The study looked at the sperm concentration, motility, and morphology of approximately 6500 men, ages 15 …