U.S. Birthrate Lowest in 25 Years = More IVF and Egg Donation in the Future

Twenty-somethings who postponed having babies because of the poor economy are still hesitant to jump into parenthood — an unexpected consequence that has dropped the USA's birthrate to its lowest point in 25 years as reoorted in USA Today.

The fertility rate is not expected to rebound for at least two years and could affect birthrates for years to come, according to Demographic Intelligence, a Charlottesville, Va., company that produces quarterly birth forecasts for consumer products and pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Procter & Gamble.

Marketers track fertility trends closely because they affect sales of thousands of products from diapers, cribs and minivans to baby bottles, toys and children's pain relievers.

As the economy tanked, the average number of births per woman fell 12% from a peak of 2.12 in 2007. Demographic Intelligence projects the rate to hit 1.87 this year and 1.86 next year — the lowest since 1987.

We have seen this phenomenon over the past 30 years as women have waited to have their families in order to get an advanced education and a career. This new addition of the economic factor will lead to women starting their families at yet higher ages, increasing the need for IVF and ultimately egg donation. The availability of frozen eggs from Donor Egg Bank USA will make egg donation a more economical option in the future.