Fertility Forums

Visit The RPMG Forum Please visit the new version of the Reproductive Partners Medical Group Bulletin Board, the RPMG Forum. Since its inception in 1999, the mission of this bulletin board has been to educate consumers on fertility-related issues. To date we have posted over 60,000 questions and answers and have helped thousands of couples throughout the world better understand their fertility treatment. To reach the RPMG Forum, go to http://www.reproductivepartners.com/fertility-forums/.

Even if you had been a participant in the previous version, you will need to sign in again with your user name and password. If you have not visited our board before, please read the frequently asked questions and then start posting or just read other’s posts. We hope you find this an educational and enjoyable experience. There are many new search and security features on the new RPMG Forum to help enhance your experience. One example of the capabilities of this state-of-the-art Forum is our ability to establish a special temporary Forum. In conjunction with this newsletter’s article we have posted a forum on PGD for single gene defects, featuring your questions about and comments about this exciting technology.