ASRM ABSTRACTS: Male obesity adversly affacts fertility

This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

In a study of men requiring surgical …

Study provides insight into why severely obese women have more difficulty getting pregnant with IVF

One third of American women of childbearing age are battling obesity, a condition that affects their health and their chances of getting pregnant. Obese women often have poor reproductive outcomes, but the reasons why have not been clearly identified. Now, a novel study gains further insight into the underlying mechanisms. The study was published online on September 11 in the …

Obesity is a factor in IVF success

We have said it before and now a new study in the July 2011 edition of Obstetrics & Gynecology again confirms it: obesity has an adverse effect on the chance of IVF success.

They reviewed the records of 1,721 women undergoing their first IVF cycle with their own eggs. Women with a normal BMI were compared with women with class …

IVF success-does a woman’s weight matter?

This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

  You bet it does.  

Obese men-Want to improve your sperm?

This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

Lose weight!

In this study 943

Obesity impairs IVF success

One of the issues I discuss with new patients when it's pertinent is weight loss in order to improve the chance of IVF success.

The latest evidence supporting this is in an article in the February 2010 edition of Fertility & Sterility looking at the outcomes in different groups based on BMI (body mass index as kilograms per square meter). …