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Abnormal Embryos acc. to PGD result

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:57 am
by gca
Hi! I got pregnant naturally when I was 38 but because of preeclampsia I lost the baby. Now I'm 42 and my husband 38. We decided to try IVF. 6 eggs have been retrieved and just 4 of them were matured. All fertilized grade 1. Because of my age 3 days PGD has been done for 4 embryos.Results showed that all was abnormal. 2 of them complete monozomy, 2 of them complex aneuploidy (reached blastocyst). My clinic says If I try again results probably will not change 95%. I asked the other clinic. They said just with 1 try I should not give up. Because I may have %30 chance to find normal embryos in other cycles due to my previous natural pregnancy, all embryos were grade 1 and day 3 PGD may give wrong results (Day 5 PGD should be done). Now I'm confused. Please help! Thanks in advance.

Re: Abnormal Embryos acc. to PGD result

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:47 am
by Dr. Wisot
I wish I could give you a definitive answer. To find all abnormal is very discouraging but that does not mean that there could not be a normal one or more in a future cycle.

It all depends of you are willing to take the chance of the costs and even more than that the disappointment, but a second cycle may at least give you closure.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California