Natural pregnancy

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Natural pregnancy

Post by kevmacelirhy4 »

Good afternoon! I am turning 44 next month. I do have PCOS and did fertility drugs to conceive and had 4 pregnancies. I had a natural conception at the age of 40 that ended in a mmc. My cycles became more regulated with age. I have some bloodwork if you could please look at and let me know if I should keep trying naturally or consider more advanced options. LH Was 7.8 FSH was 3.5 and AMH was 2.83. These were done this yr and should I repeat them?
Dr. Cassidenti
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Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:41 am

Re: Natural pregnancy

Post by Dr. Cassidenti »

Considering everything, your blood tests look pretty good for your age. If they were done more than 6 months ago, I would recommend repeating them. Despite all of this, unfortunately your age is probably playing a big role in your inability to conceive. As we age so do our eggs and their ability to create normal pregnancies decreases. If you are truly interested in having another baby, I would suggest that you see an infertility specialist for help.

Denise Cassidenti, MD
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
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