PGS embryo miscarried

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PGS embryo miscarried

Post by pawlowskad »

I am 29 with stage 4 endometriosis. All stats are normal on both me and my fiancee, just the endometriosis on my end. After 2 laps and 1.5 years of trying on our own, we did our first IVF cycle in May. Long lupron protocol, stimmed with gonal-f and menopur. 26 retrieved, 23 mature, 15 fertilized, 5 made it to expanded blast, we did pgs and only 1 was normal. We did FET with normal embryo, got pregnant, miscarried.

My questions are:
- If we do another cycle, it there a good chance that we would have more normal embryos? I'm only 29 and 80% of our embryos were abnormal. I did genetic screening prior to the cycle and nothing came up.

- Why did our embryo miscarry? It was chromosomally normal. Our FET went perfectly, we did a natural cycle, my lining was nice and thick, transfer went great, my first hcg was 895 which I was told was excellent. Then the second hcg came back around 780. Miscarried a week and a half later. My RE said that there is no evidence it was my fault or that it will happen again, it just happens sometimes even with pgs tested embryos, but of course I'm wondering why?
Dr. Wisot
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Re: PGS embryo miscarried

Post by Dr. Wisot »

Unfortunately this can happen because there are other factors that control the development of a pregnancy. For example the developing pregnancy can hit a blood vessel, cause subchorionic bleeding which can shear off the placenta. :(

Your proportion of normal embryos is low for your age but the odds could be very different in another cycle since your numbers are normal.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: PGS embryo miscarried

Post by pawlowskad »

Thanks for the response.

What other things could have caused the pgs embryo to miscarry? Is there anything I could do in the future to prevent this?

In terms of the protocol we had for our first cycle, is there anything we could do for the second cycle that may promote a better outcome? I feel like we had a good number of eggs retrieved, but only ended up with one normal embryo.
Dr. Wisot
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Re: PGS embryo miscarried

Post by Dr. Wisot »

There is nothing I know of that you can do to increase the proportion of normal embryos in a future cycle. I do not know the details of your protocol but it is unlikely that anything in the protocol lead to the miscarriage since your initial number was very good. It is likely that there was some sort of accident in implantation that lead to the miscarriage that hopefully will not happen again.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group
Redondo Beach, California
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