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Bed rest after 5 day blastocyst transfer

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:13 pm
by jordanab
I had my transfer on Tuesday . It was a day 5AA blastocyst . I've read so many things about bed rest or not leaving the house... I haven't really done anything just went to a movie the next day and ran an errand ... now I'm freaking out that I messed things up ..
my d,r says take it easy but what does that mean . When can I leave the house for errands and things .
You think it's okay .... ??? I need piece of mind .

Thank you

Re: Bed rest after 5 day blastocyst transfer

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:15 am
by Dr. Wisot
Doctor's recommendations for activity after transfer vary all over the map. Your doc says "take it easy." Ours is two days of light activity around the house. I call that "house arrest." I think what it amounts to is common sense. Basically you want to avoid activity that will cause uterine contractions. That would include heavy work and exercise.

The variation of doctors' different approaches to this issue probably means that it does not matter unless you do wild and crazy things, which you did not do.

So you are probably OK. 8-)

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California