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Period type cramps after blastocyst transfer

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:44 pm
by jordanab
Hi there , I did my blastocyst transfer grade 5AA on the 20th- I haven't felt any symptoms until now . It's been 6 days and I'm having some mild cramping - which I dont mind but fear it's my period . I'm taking vaginal progesterone - just wondering if the cramps could be from that or the transfer??? . I mean is it common to get cramps 6 days after a transfer .???
Plus I never get me period so I couldn't imagine that it's coming ... thoughts ...

Plus when can I take a home pregnancy test ??

Re: Period type cramps after blastocyst transfer

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:56 am
by Dr. Wisot
There is no way to tell what is causing your cramps but it is not your period coming. That should be controlled by the hormone supplements you are taking. But you should notify your doctor in case he/she wants to modify your meds.

The presence or absence of symptoms in this period does not predict the outcome.

I never recommend doing a home pregnancy test before your doctor does the blood test. That can be wrong and creates more questions than answers. I have seen patients stop their meds, discouraged by a false negative test when they were actually pregnant.

Good luck. Let us know how this turns out.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California