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Information About Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:24 pm
by Dr. Wisot
Studies have found that sexual dysfunction is present in about 20-25% of infertile couples. Clearly adequate sexual function will contribute to the success of fertility treatments, but more importantly, sexual dysfunction can be a source of stress and conflict within the couple's relationship, and the stress in turn can reduce the chance of a successful outcome. Erectile dysfunction can be further worsened by performance anxiety and the pressure to time relations to the woman's ovulation.
Your RPMG physicians are concerned regarding your mental well-being and want you to maintain a strong relationship during and following your fertility treatments so that you can attain the highest possibility of success and so that your relationship will also remain strong during the challenges of pregnancy and rearing your family. Fortunately one of our physicians, Dr. Meldrum in Redondo Beach, CA, has developed an avid interest in this problem, and has developed a web site and has written a book outlining the many things men can do to solve this problem. It turns out according to Dr. Meldrum's research, that drugs such as Viagra should be the last resort. The critical factor for adequate erections, nitric oxide (NO), is positively influenced by factors such as increasing physical activity, reducing excess weight and fat and sugar intake, and by ingesting specific foods and nutritional supplements that maximize NO production. Dr. Louis Ignarro, who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Nitric oxide, and who first defined the role of NO in the erectile response, has written the foreword to Dr. Meldrum' book, stating that 'I have no doubt that this book will help millions of couples around the world by improving male sexual performance.' In fact Dr. Meldrum's non-drug regimen is helping some men have better erectile performance than they have ever had, even when much younger.
Click on the following link to Dr. Meldrum's web site,, and you will learn about the physiology and biochemistry of erectile function so that you can start on the path toward a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual relationship. Download his book, 'Survival of the Firmest', that will give you all the details. A modified page from his web site is included below.

Information for health care professionals - an evidence-based approach to erectile function is dedicated to providing couples with scientifically established information on how they can maximize their sexual enjoyment by natural means without using drugs. Many other sites provide information about erectile dysfunction (ED), but tend to emphasize the more expensive prescription treatments first, paying little attention to the more natural ways to improve erectile function. Those sites that do promote supplements tout things like L-arginine, which has little or no effect on erectile function, or other supplements based on 'studies' that have never been published. In one investigation, almost half of the supplements promoted for erectile function actually contained small amounts of Viagra-like drugs. At we believe in practicing evidence-based medicine. The supplements recommended on our site have all been shown to stimulate nitric oxide (NO) production or to improve erectile function. There is no reason for men to spend their hard-earned money on unproven expensive remedies and gadgets when solid scientific information is available on how they can improve sexual potency by using the wealth of available evidence outlined in this site and in our book (Survival of the Firmest').
Two reproductive endocrinologists, a registered dietician and fitness instructor, and a chef with a life-long interest in shopping and cooking for health have pooled their efforts and knowledge to provide the information in this web site and in two books to help you understand how this all works. Dr. Louis Ignarro, a Nobel Laureate and discoverer of the role of nitric oxide (NO) in erectile function has written the foreword for our book
We have named this site rather than erectile-dysfunction because we want couples to think positively, just as doctors who work with infertile couples prefer to speak of fertility treatment rather than treatment for infertility. Erectile dysfunction or ED has been a valuable medical term to focus attention on this difficult problem but we want couples to have a positive mind-set. Improved erectile function can be acquired with the proper education and motivation by maximizing the body's natural NO production. Just like with most things in life, a positive attitude will make it much more likely to succeed. Click on the page providing you a few examples of testimonials of those who generously consented to include their comments in our book, and you will see how much this information can help couples have better sex. You will also see that our recommendations are helping some men have better erectile function than they have ever had, even when much younger.
Best medical practice always aims toward treating the underlying health problem rather than masking abnormal body chemistry and poor vascular function by simply treating the symptom (erectile dysfunction or ED) with drugs. Viagra-like drugs block the breakdown of the body chemical (cyclic GMP) that causes erection, but do nothing to increase NO, which is the natural stimulant of cyclic GMP. As pointed out by Dr. Ignarro, deficiencies of NO have been identified in blood vessels ravaged by atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, high fat diets and diabetes. Because exercise increases NO, the sedentary existence of most Americans also contributes greatly to poor vascular health. Simply trying to make up for the ravages of an unhealthy lifestyle, by taking statins, using erectile stimulating drugs or having cardiac bypass surgery, will not address the underlying cause of the problem.
Our book, Survival of the Firmest, helps couples understand how obesity, diabetes, excess dietary sugar and fat, smoking, excessive alcohol and lack of exercise all cause the blood vessel lining to produce less NO, and how increasing anti-oxidants, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamins C and E, and L-citrulline in their diet or with supplements will help prime NO production by blood vessels. By understanding the biochemistry of NO, they will realize how important all of these factors are to the health of blood vessels. By purchasing and downloading our book, you will also gain on-line access to the expanded version that contains much more information on diet, exercise and weight control. You will also have the option of downloading five questionnaires, with recommendations based on your responses so that you will have an individualized approach based on your own particular set of circumstances. Problem solvers don't just stumble on a solution. They define the problem, they gather all necessary information, they formulate a plan of action, and they carry out that plan. The self-evaluation is designed to help formalize that process to assure success. A sixth questionnaire will help you to evaluate what recommendations you have followed and those you haven't, so that if you have seen less improvement than you had hoped, you can work harder on those areas you might have skimped on.
The penis is just a collection of specialized blood vessels. NO relaxes arteries throughout the body and lowers blood pressure. NO also allows the specialized blood vessels in the penis to increase blood flow so that it becomes engorged. If enough blood is flowing into the penis it becomes rigid like a fire hose fills when the fire hydrant is turned on. Couples will learn how the penis works and what happens when it doesn't. We hope that what we recommend will solve their problem, but if it doesn't, a man will almost certainly respond better to the Viagra-like drugs. But men must be very careful in using these drugs after optimizing NO production following the recommendations on this web site and in our books. A man could have an exaggerated response with a very prolonged erection (called priapism) that can require a trip to the emergency room. We recommend that men carefully read and follow the precautions in the package insert and start with one-quarter of the lowest dose and gradually increase once they know they are not having this problem. Men should expect to respond to lower doses, and at least they will spend less and get more pleasure from using these drugs if they need them.
It may not be practical for many of us to change our diet enough to optimally increase NO levels, so we have outlined a simple recipe for healthy erectile function. If a man is taking a vitamin supplement already, he may only need to order some of the supplements we recommend, so we have set it up so they can be ordered individually.
As our book points out, stress is a poison-pill for having an erection. Our book will give couples some recommendations (also see stress and erectile function), but obviously the problem of significant chronic stress is beyond the scope of the book or the website and might require counseling.
Finally, no one should let declining sexual potency lead them to personal disaster. The easiest fix for poor erections may be to seek stronger sexual stimuli. If that comes in the form of an affair that ruins a marriage or a career, their whole life could go into a tailspin. Witness the recent disastrous consequences that extra-marital affairs had on some well-known politicians. We encourage men to follow the larger organ on top of their shoulders rather than the one between their legs, and improve their health, happiness and longevity as well. If we help to prevent just one divorce, with all of its consequences spinning off to affect children, friends and relatives, all of the effort we have put into and our two books will have been worthwhile. We think there are countless relationships around the world that will be strengthened by the recommendations we make here and in our books, and those same lifestyle changes could save millions from death and disability due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. You will be very happy that you spent time with us at If you prefer an in-person evaluation with Dr. Meldrum, you can schedule an appointment by calling 1-877-2-reproduce.

Re: Information About Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:28 pm
by Tukio
In Past, Erectile Dysfunction was a serious problem which people used to ignore. But now they have understood consequence of ED. Thanks for Informative ;)