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Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:31 am
by harleygal7
Hello! I am new here and I have been worrying myself sick researching my numbers online! The reason being is that the nurse at my RE responded negatively to my Day 3 results, and my RE said "nothing to worry about". I feel like maybe I am just being handled delicately by him due to my less than favorable results. My numbers are as follows: FSH- 4.4 AMH 0.64 E2 75.9
I am 1 month shy of turning 38. Two years ago my AFC was great. My RE said "I had follicles like a woman in my 20's!" He was very happy. So.... I waited. Now on cycle day 3 he said he saw "A few, not a lot of follicles". He said it could just be that it's a bad month. I am so confused as I read online that this is just bad news! Is my doc overly positive? How could I decline in my numbers so fast over just 2 years? I will note that I had been a daily drinker of hard liquor ( 3 drinks a day and lots on weekends). This being only over the past year. Could this be the cause of my drop? I have since cut back to 2 cups of coffee a day and maybe one beer, as I have read that both can really elevate E2 levels. Any advice would be so appreciated! :?

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:58 am
by Dr. Wisot
These are not so bad. FSH is an indicator of egg quality and your level is fine. It does sound like you had a drop in antral follicles from what you describe and the AMH (an indicator of how you will respond with numbers) being in the low range.

To me this is a signal as you approach 38 that it's time to act; if you are ready to have a baby, get into treatment soon. If not, consider egg freezing to preserve your fertility.

And I would eliminate the alcohol and caffeine and make sure you are eating a good balanced diet and supplementing with vitamins and antioxidants. There is a good regimen on or Lifestyle & Fertility pages.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:55 pm
by harleygal7
Hi Doctor Wisot,

Thank you so much for your fast and reassuring response. I will definitely look at the Lifestyle section of this site! I still have hope! What about the E2 level at 75.9. Is this bad? What does this mean as far as fertility goes? The nurse said this is high for someone my age. I am confident that I can bring this down with the caffeine/alcohol elimination from what I am finding online about it.

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:27 pm
by Dr. Wisot
The E2 can vary quite a bit and is related to the advancement of your egg development for this month. It just indicates that the FSH result is valid. It may be very different next cycle especially if you get retested on Day 2.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:09 am
by harleygal7
Thank you Doctor! Last question for now I promise! I have read that E2 numbers can mask the FSH results. So as to make a not so good FSH look like it's good. Since the nurse told me that my E2 on day 3 ( actually my Day 3 tests were done more close to day 5) was high for my age, I am concerned that this might be masking my good FSH number? I have tried to find online at what level E2 is considered at a level high enough to give a false FSH read, but to no avail. In your expert opinion at what level does the E2 cause you concern for causing an FSH to be masked? Or isn't there any real chart for this?

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:05 am
by Dr. Wisot
We use an E2 of 80 as the cut-off to validate the FSH. So you are close but came in under the wire.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:14 am
by harleygal7
Great! Thanks for all your help! Wish NJ was closer to your facility! I feel I have gotten more answers and help from you than I am able to get from my RE. Thank you again! I will be repeating CD3 blood test.

Kelly P.

Re: Help! Confused by Day 3 results!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:52 am
by harleygal7
Hi Doctor Wisot,

I received a call from my clinic yesterday. They want to do a Clomid Challenge. Is this jumping the gun? I have only had one CD3 test done..... with the above results. Wouldn't it be reasonable to do another CD3 test and see if it's consistent with the first results before a Clomid Challenge? I didn't think my results were that horrible to warrant the challenge. :cry: