Pregnant but Low P4
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:35 am
I just found out Friday that I’m pregnant from a 3 day fet cycle. I was on Estrace starting at day 4, endometrin vaginally 3x a day starting at day 15 and transfer day 19. Meds continue the same. I had blood work Friady at 12 days after 3 day transfer. Hcg was 300, estrogen was 1,700 and progesterone was 11.1. I am worried about my progesterone level. Is it indicative of an unhealthy pregnancy? With my first pregnancy, also a fet, my progesterone at this stage was 17.4 but I had a twin pregnancy. I ended up losing one at 9 weeks so I am nervous.My RE won't redraw the P4 because he said that it is fine since I am on endometrin. He doesn't even have me scheduled for another beta draw until Thursday which is 6 days after my last one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.