New Pregnancy Risks: Smog and Heat

Just when you thought there was nothing more to worry about, two new studies reveal two new concerns: smog may increase the chance of a miscarriage and global warming may be associated with a higher risk of premature births, stillbirths, or other negative pregnancy outcomes.

# 1: Smog might raise a woman’s risk of miscarriage early in her pregnancy, a …

Factors Inherent In Women Rather Than IVF May Cause Pregnancy Complications

As reported on the increase in pregnancy and prenatal complications seen in women who undergo fertility treatments is likely related to maternal issues, not fertility drugs or assisted reproductive technology, according to a new study.

“Our findings suggest that factors inherent in the woman, rather than those attributable to infertility treatments, may explain the lower birth weight and shorter …

Another factor in selecting single embryo transfer (eSET)

This is one of a series of news items from abstracts of studies presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as complied by Dr. David Meldrum, Scientific Director of Reproductive Partners. We appreciate the enormous amount of work it takes to compile and comment on these abstracts.

 There are many reasons that the