Designer Babies

Recently, Time magazine, wrote a series of articles about infertility, fertility treatments, and the future of babies as medical advancements allow couples more opportunities for conception.  One of these articles discussed the creation of “designer babies” from in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

The medical community and the public are concerned that with advances in PGD technology, we …

IVF Three Parent Embryos? Not!

When doctors develop new radical procedures and especially they market them to the public, there are certain steps they must take or run afoul of the specialty and government regulators or both.

The so-called, “Three Parent Embryos” created in an IVF cycle is the latest example of a hyped procedure gone wrong.

The Food and Drug Administration is moving to …

Pre-pregnancy genetic screening

Genetic testing for inherited genetic conditions is an important component of preconception planning, to assist in assessing the risk of genetic disease in a child, as well as anticipating the management of a woman’s reproductive care. Traditional methods of carrier screening have focused on pan ethnic screening for conditions including cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy, whereas other conditions, including …